The Neighbourhood
芳鄰樂團 簡稱 The NBHD
好吧 我實在不怎麼認為他們會是好的鄰居
如果打開google 圖片搜尋他們 將會出現一大堆 黑白照片
只能說公司為了宣傳他們真的很省成本 有個人特色吧
有興趣的歡迎上W百科搜尋 不過話說回來
杯杯都是 Indie Rock Band,為何今天要特別介紹他們呢?
這就要提到他們再去年(事實上是前年年底發行)暴紅的單曲 - Sweater Weather
當然這首歌的確打進了 比爾博Bilbo 的 Alternative Songs 的排行榜
接著也才發現這首歌在BBC Radio 1上面出現的頻率居乎跟Arctic Monkeys 一樣高啊
提一下他們的 專輯
2013 出了第一張專輯 I Love You
而他們也曾在2012年出過兩張EP 分別是 I Am Sorry... 跟 Thank You (不要問我為什麼名字這麼詭異我也不懂)
2013 單獨出的EP 則是 The Love Collection(則收錄了額外兩首歌 其中一手就是今天要介紹的West Coast)
但是呢 他們的專輯封面則是這樣
一個代表的是 I LOVE YOU ?
最後一個是他們的標誌 倒過來的好鄰居
這個團體的歌除了讓你不嗑藥也能感受迷幻 psychedelic rock
更讓你 感受米國青少年都曾著迷過的 indie rock
再來就是讓你毛骨悚然然的 dark pop
我當初第一次點進 Female Robbery 的時候 被開頭嚇都快要嚇死
更被曲末的 We are gonna die die die.. die die 嚇到好久不敢聽
另外也非常推薦 Flawless (網址就不貼了,聽了總讓我毛毛的)
不過在美國 曇花一現的 indie 樂團實在太多 到底他們是真材實料 頂摳摳 還是一時異軍突起?
我們先來聽這首 我在專輯裡覺得最親和的一首歌
West Coast
就是美國西岸 最印象深刻的就屬每到夏天就會有成群上萬的辣妹的加州跟LA
也是個在美國非常有獨特文化的地區 (你沒聽過加州人的用詞嗎!!!)
不過提到West Coast 也容易讓人聯想到 糜爛 甚至是毒品
"West Coast"
Me, I'm from a different type of left land, old wild west land
Nosebleeds, palm trees, and tumbleweeds rustling
Outside, they say it's happy here, but it's depressing
Too many pretty faces catching my attention
So I look at them, remind myself in the smudged glass,
"That pretty isn't everything, you punk ass"
Always hard to see past the surface, when it looks so perfect
But her eyes will disguise dirt on purpose, you listening?
I grew up here, under the sun, grade school, I was the odd one, out of the bunch
And I don't mean I was the kid who ate bugs for lunch,
I was the one who wasn't coming from where they're coming from
I speak poetically, and never pride my ignorance, but this California shit is rigorous
They say it's happy here, happiness is figurative,
I'm happy 'cause of me, doesn't matter where I'm living
我,在這塊開放左岸是個怪人 這塊老西岸
鮮血直流的鼻子 隨處可見的棕櫚樹 雖風滾動的乾草球
外頭的人都以為這是塊樂土 但其實死氣沉沉
所以我看著他們 透過那髒得可以的玻璃杯 我不斷提醒自己
想要從表層看透一切實在困難 尤其過分完美
從小在這長大 在這烈燄下 在學校裡 我是個怪咖 獨自一人
只是我出身不像他們一樣(意思指朋友們是Popular kids但自己不是)
我說話總有個文青調調 但無知的確也不值得炫耀 California 本來就不好混
他們說這裡讓你爽翻天 不過爽也只是個形容詞
我過得快樂從來不是因為這裡爽 是因為我自己
If the sun was God, I'd be covered in faith,
If the ocean was the devil, I'd be covered in hate
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
如果艷陽是主 我全身就被信仰包圍(意思是一年四季艷陽高照
如果海洋是惡魔 我將被憎恨覆蓋
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm waking up underneath sheets, naked still sweating
Slept in late so everybody else is ready
My friend called up, he said,
"Hurry up buddy, it's almost sundown already"
So I hopped up, I went and washed up,
I ate some pasta, then I gave my mom hugs
And then I thought, "Uh, it's gonna be a pretty nice night"
But pretty isn't everything, right?
Golden state mind, I'm taking my time
Plain white shirt, and a skinny black tie
My top let down when I get picked up
P C H so California
Maybe they were right; happiness is a warm gun
But before you shoot, please warn us
Life is too fun, California will you marry me?
Let God be the sun and in the ocean they shall bury me
躺在床上 張開雙眼 赤裸的身軀 覆蓋著汗水
睡過頭的只有我 其他人早已不見蹤影
朋友打給我 他說
「還在混 太陽要下山了」
我嗑了點藥 洗了個澡
吃了點pasta 再給我媽個熊抱
但爽是如此不真實 對吧?
心意不再上下起落 今晚我將要好好嗨一場
穿件白T 配個細領帶
PCH 將會帶我們離開這裡 (太平洋海岸公路PCH)
If the sun was God, I'd be covered in faith,
If the ocean was the devil, I'd be covered in hate
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
如果艷陽是主 我全身就被信仰包圍(意思是一年四季艷陽高照
如果海洋是惡魔 我將被憎恨覆蓋
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame
I'm so west coast, it's a goddamn shame